Friday, November 8, 2019

Harvesting papaya fruit Essay Example

Harvesting papaya fruit Essay Example Harvesting papaya fruit Essay Harvesting papaya fruit Essay 1.0 Harvest From the journal article written by Bautista-Banos, Sivakumar, Bello-Perez, Villanueva-Arce, and Hernandez-Lopez ( 2013 ) , the postharvest handling stairss of papaia fruits are difference among the fruits meant for export and sold in the national market. For the fruit meant for export, there are specific adulthood index needed to be followed when reaping papaia fruits, which is at the mature phase of ? coloring material interruption ( one-stripe yellow at the blossom terminal or vertex and the quarter-ripe yellow ) . While for the papaia fruits meant for national market, they can be harvested at assorted maturing phases. Harmonizing to Medina, Gutierrez, and Garcia ( 2003 ) , the papaia fruits that fail to run into the export specifications will be rejected for export such as over-ripeness ( fruits exhibit localised softening or more than three xanthous chevrons at its base ) and under-ripeness ( no yellow stripes on fruits ) . However, those papaya fruits still can be accepted for sale in the national market. There are specialised tools and knives to reap the papaia fruits other than by manus ( Medinaet al. ,2003 ) . Losingss of quality in papaya fruits can be happened if the postharvest handling procedure do non command good. : 1.1 Loss in crop 1.1.1 Mechanical harm When papaia fruit is harvested by manus or with knives, the peduncle is snapped or cut from the tree, and the top of the fruit is instantly cut flower. If the papaia tree is excessively high and causes the harvest home of fruit unaccessible by manus, a tool that contains a long pole, a little round hoop attached with a little mesh bag every bit good as a horizontal blade above them is used. The blade is placed below the peduncle of the papaia fruit so the pole is moved upwards. After that, the papaia fruit will drop gently into the mesh bag ( Medinaet al. ,2003 ) . However, if the papaia fruit by chance drop to the difficult surface or rubbing against other fruits will do bruising. Besides that, crop tools, nails of choosers or peduncles from other fruits may do lesions on the fruit such as cuts and lead to the loss of tissue unity. The lesions can besides let the incursion of decomposing Fungis and bacteriums into the fruit tissue ( Camelo, 2002 ) . On the other manus, improper stor age of papaia fruit prior conveyance to packing house such as jammed mass exceeds the volume of the container can do high susceptibleness to fruit bruising that will impact the concluding quality of merchandise. This is because during maturation, bruised country will developed into soft, dark part and susceptible to secondary microbic infection ( Camelo, 2002 ) . 1.1.2 Pest and diseases in the field Harmonizing to Martins, Ventura, Lima, Culik, Costa and Ferreira ( 2012 ) , pest of quarantine Mediterranean fruit fly,Ceratitis capitatais normally merely infests papaya fruits while still green. While papaya gluey disease is an intense and self-generated exudate of latex that is more unstable than normal. When the exudate of latex are oxidize and darken, dark runs are formed on the papaia fruits and giving them a blackish visual aspect. The fruit from workss infected with the virus are infested with fruit flies while still in a green and immature phase. St. martinset Al.( 2012 ) besides mentioned that infestation of papaia fruits by fruit flies with gluey disease was associated with a decreased degree of benzyl-isothiocyanate ( BITC ) , which is a natural chemical compound in the latex of papaia fruit that associated with opposition to fruit flies. 1.2 Control in crop 1.2.1 Proper managing during crop Good planning that involve harvest operation in good clip, full supervising at all phases of reaping and field handling could cut down the loss of crop ( FAO, 1989 ) . The mechanical hurt of papaya fruits can be reduced by utilizing rounded terminals of reaping scissors or knives to forestall punctures. The bead height during reassigning fruit to containers should be minimized to forestall bruising occurred. Root of the papaia fruit should be trimmed after crop to guarantee no fruit rubbing occur. Besides that, reap labor should be trained so they able to place and reap the right adulthood of papaya fruits with gently managing procedure. They are recommended to have on baseball mitts during crop and managing procedure to avoid doing harm to papaya fruits ( Camelo, 2002 ) . Proper storage of papaia fruits prior delivered to packing house is besides of import to command the loss of crop. The papaya fruits can be placed in individual bed into shallow, light coloured field crates with a froth bed for buffering. The harvest containers should be smooth and free of crisp border. In add-on, the field containers could non be overfilled. After that, the field crates should be placed in shaded conditions that are protected from the Sun and rain. The motion of papaya fruits can be minimized if excess attentions are being taken ; hence happening of fruit bruising could be reduced ( Medinaet Al. , 2003 ) . 1.2.2 Program of Risk Reduction of Infestation byTephritidsFruit Flies ( Systems Approach ) Harmonizing to St. martinset Al.( 2012 ) , the Program of Risk Reduction of Infestation by Tephritids ( System Approach ) has a strong biological and ecological base and it is able to cut down the hazard of infestation by the plague to about nothing. In this system, the papaia fruits are harvested in early phases of adulthood due to low hazard of infestation by fruit flies as the nowadays of natural chemical compound benzyl-isothiocyanate ( BITC ) in the latex of the fruits contain certain toxicity to the fruit flies. BITC has ovicidal and oviposition suppression activity against fruit flies. However, the concentration of BITC is decreased with the ripening of the papaia fruits, causes the mature fruit more susceptible to infestation by these insects. This system besides fixed that the papaia fruits for export should be harvested before they past the phase 2 of adulthood and the bring forthing Fieldss can non incorporate fruits with over phase 3 of adulthood. The gluey disease of pap aya fruits can be controlled by roguing the papaia workss at the beginning of the ocular visual aspect of the disease symptoms. Furthermore, harvest labor should carry on pattern of non go forthing papaia fruits beyond the phase 3 of adulthood in the field. It is besides of import to guarantee the phytosanitary quality of the field and quarantine security for the fruit flies in papaia fruits ( St. martinset al. ,2012 ) . 2.0 Packing house operation Packing house operations are the procedure needed to fix the papaia fruits for sale. There are several interventions being conducted to minimise the quality losingss of papaya fruits. Based on the journal article written by Bautista-Banoset Al.( 2013 ) , postharvest managing operation of the fruit meant for national market and export are different. Basically, the fruit meant for national market are conducted in the field where the fruits are exposed to environmental status, such as sunshine, high comparative humidness and dust while the managing operation of the fruit meant for export are conducted in the wadding house with controlled environmental status ( Bautista-Banoset al. ,2013 ) . A wadding house can be defined as a topographic point protected from conditions for merchandise and forces. It is allowed the fruits been prepared in a centralised handling operation ( Camelo, 2002 ) . Hence, the quality loss of papaya fruits can be reduced through wadding house operation when compar ison to field operation of fruit meant for national market. The interventions for fruit meant to export are harmonizing to the import ordinances of finish states ; include wax-fungicide intervention for disease control and heat or irradiation to minimise insect infestation ( Bautista-Banoset al. ,2013 ) . By and large, the operations in packing house include remotion of unmerchantable stuff, screening by adulthood and/or size, rating and packaging ( Camelo, 2002 ) . 2.1 Loss in packing house 2.1.1 Physiological impairment There are several choice loss of papaya fruits during packing house operation, includes bruising, tan, skin scratchs, opposing, insect hurt, and blotched colour. Quality loss of papaya fruits may go on during response of packing house operation, which includes off-loading, look intoing and entering. The jammed containers that do non protected from the Sun and rain could do rapid impairment due to heat and H2O. The long exposure to tropical Sun will do terrible H2O loss from fruits, make them go overripe or softens, produce wilts and off-flavours, every bit good as decay quickly. Cleaning or lavation, and size scaling operation may besides do bruising. Besides that, the improper stacking of papaia fruits await for conveyance such as containers with overfilled or stacked excessively high will damage the fruits. This is because the hapless airing will do overheating and lead to rapid impairment ( high rate of respiration ) of papaia fruits. Careless managing such as dropping or throwing on fruits and jammed container during procedure of rating can besides do the high wet content and soft texture of papaia fruits susceptible to mechanical hurt include internal bruising and scratched on the tegument of fruits. The harm to the tegument of fruits will bring on early decay of papaia fruits. The hurts can go the entry points for disease beings doing decay, at the same clip H2O loss from damaged country will be increased, doing an addition rate of normal physiological dislocation. The internal bruising could do internal stain of papaia fruits due to the damaged tissues, and off-flavours because of unnatural physiological reactions in damaged parts ( Camelo, 2002 ) . 2.1.2 Disease and Pest In response phases of packing house operation, there will be soiled with dirt, dust and decaying works stuffs. So the cross taint of those contaminations may go on during cleaned, sorted and packed operation. The post-harvest disease can be spread by field crates contaminated by dirt or decaying works stuffs, contaminated H2O used to rinse fruits, disintegrating rejected fruits left lying around the wadding house and taint healthy fruits in bundles. Postharvest spread of pest infestation could go on when the fruits are exposed to drawn-out periods of conveyance to packing house ( FAO, 1989 ) . 2.2 Control in packing house 2.2.1 Effectiveness in response The clip between crop and bringing of the packaged fruit merchandise should be minimized by a good readying and packing operations design. However the response country, where is weighing, numbering or quality analysing the harvested fruits before come ining the works could detain the processing, and may do the fruits are exposed to the Sun. Therefore, good record maintaining should be practiced to do the response work more efficaciously. Besides that, during dumping of fruits onto packing house eating lines, bead decelerators are of import to minimise the mechanical hurt and command the flow of fruits. Less bruising can be occurred if H2O dunking procedure is applied. This procedure can besides rinse away the soil from the field. In add-on, by chlorination of rinsing Waterss with 50-200ppm of active Cl could extinguish the Fungi spores and bacteriums on the surface of morbid fruits. Hence, the taint of healthy fruit can be prevented. Besides that, response country should form the ope ration in the order it is received: foremost in first out ( FAO, 1989 ) . Furthermore, the suited stacking form of crates can lend to command air flow through green goods. 2.2.2 Waxing Waxing operation can minimise desiccation and widen the postharvest life of papaia fruits through replacing the natural waxes that are removed by rinsing. Waxing can besides seal the little lesions that are produced during crop ( Camelo, 2002 ) . Waxes can move as bearers of some antifungals every bit good as improve visual aspect of the papaia fruits by increasing radiance of fruit tegument. Waxing can be applied through crop-dusting or foaming, or submergence and dripping etc. Soft coppices or rollers can be used to guarantee the unvarying distribution of waxes on the surface of papaya fruit. However, heavy application of waxes can barricade fruit gas exchange and bring forth tissue asphyxia, finally cause internal blackening and development of off-flavours and off-odours of fruit ( Camelo, 2002 ) . 2.2.3 Pest and disease control Antifungals can be applied to suppress or cut down the sprouting of spores without complete suppress the disease. Chlorine and sulfur dioxide are the illustration of antifungals that normally used. By adding 50 to 200ppm of Cl into H2O, it can cut down the figure of microorganisms nowadays on the surface of the fruit. However, the growing of pathogen that had existed in the fruit can non be stop. Hence, it is of import to use fumigants such as S dioxide to command the postharvest diseases. Besides that, heat intervention can besides command the insect and Fungi that nowadays on the fruits. From the diary articles written by Singh ( 2010 ) , the methods for conserving papaya include H2O heat intervention, forced hot air, UV and gamma irradiation, low temperature, low and high force per unit area, man-made edible/non-edible fruit coatings etc.Colletotrichum gloeosporioidesdecay of papaia can be reduced through hot H2O dip intervention at 44OC. While soft putrefactions caused by Rhizopus can be reduced through 20 proceedingss of hot H2O intervention at 49OC followed by immediate cold H2O intervention. The other heat intervention included force-air treated and dry or vapour heat treated can be used for disinfections of fruit flies on papaia. Low doses of UV and gamma irradiation can be applied to protect and widen the shelf life of papaia. Harmonizing to Abeywickrama, Wijeratha, Rajapaksha, Sarananda, and Kannangara ( 2012 ) , latex drippage that could stain papaias and make defect on the ocular entreaty and quality of papaia can be prevented by rinsing the papaia with 1 % w/v of Na aluminum sulfate ( alum ) . Besides that, the indispensable oils such as Indian sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum) and West Indian Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citrates) can be sprayed on the papaia after reaping to widen the storage life and exhibit fungicidal consequence. Their surveies showed that the papaia at 25 % of adulthood washed in ( 1 % w/v ) alum and followed by spraying ( 0.16 % v/v ) basil oil to the papaia can widen shelf life of papaia to 14 yearss at 12-14OC. Mention Abeywickrama, K. , Wijeratha, C. , Rajapaksha, N. , Sarananda, K. and Kannangara, S. 2012. Control Strategies for Extending Storage Life of Papaya (Carica papaia ), Cultivars Red Lady’ and Rathna’ .Ceylon Journal of Science ( Bio. Sci. ) .41( 1 ) :27-34. Bautista-Banos, S. , Sivakumar, D. , Bello-Perez, A. , Villanueva-Arce, R. and Hernandez-Lopez, M. 2013. A Reappraisal of The Management Alternatives for Controlling Fungi on Papaya Fruit during The Postharvest Supply Chain.Crop Protection.49:8-20. Camelo, A. F. L. 2002. Manual for The Preparation and Sale of Fruits and Vegetables. hypertext transfer protocol: // Retrieved on 10 December 2014. FAO. 1989. Prevention of Post-harvest Food Losses Fruits, Vegetables and Root Crops A Training Manual. hypertext transfer protocol: // Retrieved on 11 December 2014. St. martins, D. S. , Ventura, J. A. , Lima, R. C. A. , Culik, M. P. , Costa, H. and Ferreira, P. S. F. 2012. Interaction between Papaya Meleira Virus ( PMeV ) Infection of Papaya Plants and Mediterranean Fruit Fly Infestation of Fruits.Crop Protection.36:7-10. Medina, J. D. L. C. , Gutierrez, G. V. and Garcia, H. S. 2003.Papaya: Post-harvest Operation.United State: FAO. Singh, P. 2010. Progresss in Control of Post-harvest Diseases of Papaya Fruit – A Review.Agricultural Reviews.31( 3 ) :194-202.

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